League Rules
*All competitions are played under WNBA Guidelines*
All players:
Must wear their uniforms. Players will not be allowed to play if they are not wearing the proper attire
Jewelry is not acceptable to wear during play
Shirts must be tucked
Teams should arrive at least 15 minutes before their scheduled game
Teams are allowed a 10 minute grace period before a game is deemed a forfeit
There will be no waiting for the head coach or more players beyond the grace period
A substitute will be able to step in if the head coach is not present. This is a decision that has to be made within the 10 minute grace period
There is NO toleration of harassing officials, coaches, and/or players. This degrading action will result in the removal from the league with no refund
There is NO toleration for foul language. Officials may grant a technical foul for this behavior at their discretion
There is NO toleration for any fighting. Players and/or coaches that fight will be ejected from the game and asked to leave the gym. There will be a minimum suspension of one game by the offending party.
Coaches are held responsible for the behaviors of parents and fans
Forfeiting Games:
*Coaches, please contact us as soon as you are aware that you will not have enough players for a game so we can notify the opposing team*
A team MUST forfeit if they have less than five players in full uniform by the end of the 10-minute grace period
The team with enough players and on time will automatically win
If a forfeit is deemed, the coaches have two options:
teams can agree to still play a game by combining both teams since the court is free (without officials)
use that time/court as practice. If practice is done, teams will have to be off court 10 minutes prior to the start of the next game
It is the sole discretion of the T2N Board and its affiliates to reserve their rights to ultimately make the final decision on all disciplinary actions of the T2N Girls Youth Summer League.